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Messages - depprussell

Pages: [1]
Discussions Générales / Aide informatique
« le: jeudi 12 juillet 2018, 10:41:36 »

I'm using official QI wireless charger WCD-100 with the LG G3 D855 (international model) which is already built-in QI receiver and ready to be used.  in the first week, everything works well. After a week, the phone usually connected and disconnected from the wireless charger every 2-3 minutes. The screen shows "wireless charging ..%" and screen turn off.. a few minutes later it shows again and again. It is very annoying. I used the original 1.8A adaptor from LG, Genuine WCD-100 charger from LG, original cable from LG, Back cover case original from the box. Every components are genuine LG.  Why it doesn't work well.. please help ?? Is it possible that the problem causes from the software?

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

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Pages: [1]